Published on April 8, 2004 By yo dad In Welcome
Hi world,
Been reading some of the blogs and to be quite frank with ya some of these people scare the hell out me. Take for instance the blog on lets tax fat people. He backs his belief up with a few facts taken off the internet and that is suppose to justify his reasoning. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and i would be the last person to try to change your mind, but i read his blog and nowhere does he commit himself to helping someone who is over weight. They would rather set back & rant and rave about others. My point here is anyone can set back and judge others but it takes a human being with some class to get up and help others no matter what your opinion of them might be. Look back in history of those who critizied others and the pain & suffering they caused. People like Hitler with the jews, McCarthy with scare tactics of people who were supposedly communist. I guess Rodney King said it best during the LA riots "Can't we all just get along". Well i have stepped down off my podium and I welcome your response.

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